
词百阁 人气:2.67W

You know the environs of Paris, then?

One sunny afternoon, Maria took the children to the environs.

Article19 The State protects the environs for meteorological observation in accordance with law. All organizations and individuals shall have the obligation to protect such environs.

The Study on Development of Tourism Agriculture Tourist in Outskints of City--Take the environs of Zhengzhou as the example;

The remainder of the troops were confined to their barracks, without reckoning the regiments of the environs of Paris.

Congressional leaders have full-time security provided by the Capitol Police, a force that protects the Capitol building and its environs.

The day, a late January one, was inclined to be smoky with lowering clouds, especially within the environs of Kansas City.

We have learned about this class of pushable things by being exposed to electrical and electronic devices in our environs and because—years ago—we stood on doorsteps with our parents, learning how to approach another person’s home.

Lake Constance used to be polluted but it had been cleaned up in recent years. All the households had to pay a fee for the maintenance of the lake, but no one complained. They even sought to keep the environs clean and the drains unpolluted.

Grasse and its environs have a special perfumed air.

(2) engaging in activities within the limits of the protected environs for meteorological observation, to the detriment of the environs.

Gotals cannot use their accurate senses in these environs, and they cannot spend time close to droids.

installing, within the protected environs for meteorological observation, high frequency electromagnetic radiation devices which impair the performance of the meteorological measuring instruments;

In particular, they suggest to Bada that life might have arisen, not in the "warm little pool" that Darwin himself once guessed, but in the violent environs of volcanic eruptions.

People's governments at all levels shall, in accordance with the statutory criteria, delimit protected environs for meteorological observation and incorporate them into city planning or into village or town planning.

express willingness to have in one's home or environs.

"The environs recall the unexploited American West of a century ago, " said HUUM.

The criteria for delimiting protected environs for meteorological observation shall be prescribed by the competent meteorological department under the State Council.

According to legend, Guilin and its environs are transformed into land thanks to the First Emperor's efforts at filling up the seas with mountains. But the mountains and hills are lying about higgledy- piggledy all over the region.

Oxford and its environs are worth a visit.

The lake and its environs have all the elements of a traditional Chinese garden but on a grand scale.

London and its environs.

Un male Quetzal se pose sur une branche avant de regagner son nid. Plumes au vent, il observe les environs.


The environs of Vienna are very beautiful.

Because our indoor environs impacts on our mood, altering colors, light, and scents can banish the blues until the sun shines again... or at least until Daylight Savings Time kicks in.

The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums.

The ornamental pigeon exhibition attracted many local people and the environs of five counties, some carrying the elderly, with children visiting the exhibition pigeons.
